Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fully sick


  1. Dear Pete,
    I see that you have been in quarantine the Palais Surgical Team are extremely cautious and would not be takng any chances in spreading the dreaded Manflu!

    it is comforting to see that you are enjoying yourself and finding so many diverse ways of occupying your time, even Masticating!! Goodness!! If you still have the strength for that then it can't all be bad! Tho i am worried about your health...

    Hoping that you recover soon my friend

    XXX Princess

  2. Dear Princess,
    There is no need to worry although I am always happy to get the attention from the Palais staff.

    I'm thinking while in there I may as well get a few things fixed and a little Botox is always welcome.

  3. Surley you are not in need of a case of Botulisim as well!

  4. Whatever keeps away the signs of ageing - and maybe a few pounds.

  5. Ah, poor sick Pete! Have you tried rapping to make yourself feel better?

  6. With my musical talents?

    Oh yes, I'll be healthy in no time.

  7. Have all ready put your arm in a bin? Your leg in a bin? Dressed up like Wolverine? Or are you too busy masticating?

    Get well, soon! Eat some chicken soup!

  8. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do

  9. Isn't it amazing to discover the things we resort to when fully sick.
    I hope you aren't quarantined for too long.

  10. Just keep your germs away from me.

    That's all I ask.

  11. too funny, sugar! how y'all find this guy? xoxoxo

  12. IDV: it is indeed. I wish I had a transformers helmet! Time would pass so quickly and work would be so much more entertaining.

    MJ: But you have girl cooties. What's a few more germs to you?

    Savannah: it is hilarious. Honestly I found it via a gay sex site called and thought it was funny.

    I also think he has really pretty eyes.

  13. Are you better now?
