Friday, June 27, 2008


The excitement continues as the prices of the new iPhone are released. Expensive but it could have been worse. Much worse.

The only thing I'm nervous about is if they have one for me on the release date. I hope so. Another thing of course is which colour to get it in. The 8 GB only comes in black but the 16GB comes in both black and white. I prefer black but as the white is exclusive to the larger model it would be more rare. I like the idea of that. What do you think?


  1. Get the black one - the white will dirty up, I reckon.

    Tee-hee - look at the funny words!!

  2. I'm thinking that too Tim. Still the white one may be less common.

    I thought you and T-Birdy would have a lot of fun with the funny words.

  3. I'd be getting the 8GB fas i sort. You have to imagine Kath and Kim saying that.

    The 16 GB fas i sort og hvid would most likely have attachments and memory space that I would never, ever, use.

    Thanks for the funny words!

  4. No problem

    I will definately be getting the 16GB as it's only about £60 more in total.

    I'd be able to throw almost all my CDs on it.

  5. And think of all that space you'll need for the new iPhone Apps Store!


  6. You know, if you can wait it out a few months, it'll probably be less expensive, and they would've worked out any of those kinks and glitches that accompany first releases...unless you enjoy that first time breaking in experience--but it's never quite what one expects though.

  7. That is exciting, I love looking forward to something like that! They will have it just the way you like it on that release date. Good luck!

  8. Sparkly Tim: The new iPhone Apps store?

    Abonnement indeed. You know what it means?

    Bingowings: You are right, it would be the sensible thing to do. However I've been waiting for this moment since it was first released in the glorious U S of A. Which is a long wait.

    I like to be ahead of the crowd when it comes to new stuff. I do realise getting an iPhone does seem a little bandwagon'ish in other parts of the world but the smarty pants actually think it will flop here and that would mean I'd have it almost to myself. YAY!

    Tara: Looking forward to stuff is ace. Then you get to it, still ace. But then after the fact things get a little anti climatic.

    Of course with the iPhone I'll have a toy to play with for a very long time.

  9. iPhone schmiPhone.

    I'm delighted to see that Denamrk still utilises Krona and not the stupid Euro. Yay for independent money!

  10. i am so late to the iphone party, sugar...but i'd go with the black one...far more discreet and less noveau riche xoxoxo

  11. IDV: Out of practical reasons I would actually wish we had the "stupid Euro". I would vote in favour in a heartbeat.

    I love your money though, don't ever change!

    Savannah: True noveau riche is so gauche.

    We wouldn't want that.

  12. Wait 'til they come out with a pink one.

  13. Yeah, they're releasing loads of little applications for it - like that lightsabre one! Some will be free, while others - like Super Monkey Ball! - will cost a little bit. Apparently one will also let you control your iTunes library using the iPhone as a remote control.

    I have no idea what that word meant, it just sounded cheerful.

  14. MJ: I'm thinking not.

    Shouldn't you be taking a holiday from your little blogging friends?

    Sparkly Tim: Sounds exciting. Can't wait. I'm guessing you have Super Monkey Ball.

    Abonnement. It sounds almost French. Saying it with a French accent makes it sound so posh. It means something in the lines of subscription

  15. Hmmm. Ok, they extra memory space is enticing then.

    Do iPhones come in pink?

  16. Not here. De fåes kun i sort og hvide i Danmark.
